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Good morning, everybody!
We live in an era of accelerating change where often as a society and as individuals we seem to be struggling to keep up. Graduation is all about change. And at Michigan that means it’s not only about the change in you, it’s about the changes you will contribute to in society. In the fall of 20xx, when many of you started as undergraduates here at Michigan, our world was a different place. Me Too was not yet a hashtag. The event horizon of a black hole had never been imaged. And midterm voter turnout on university campuses across the country was just 19 percent. Each of these examples, in their own way, demonstrates the often long and difficult path to change. The Me Too Movement was founded in 20xx by activist and sexual assault survivor Tarana Burke. Burke wanted to provide a place for survivors to tell their stories, for empathy, and for healing. She spent more than a decade persevering and advocating on the behalf of those whose stories are marginalized, or not told at all. Then the idea she started went viral, transforming into global conversation and, we must hope, change. The image of the black hole event horizon presented last month required two years of computer analysis, data from 8 observatories on three continents, and a team of 200 scientists, which included 20xxU-M Electrical Engineering graduate Katie Bouman. We have now seen what had previously been described as un-seeable, and pushed the frontiers of knowledge to the darkest regions of the universe. And during the 20xx midterm election, Tufts University reports that youth turnout increased in every state for which they have data. In 27 states, it rose by double digits. Plus, precincts that serve Big Ten campuses saw their turnout increase by an average of 24 percentage points. This is more than double the increase in nearby areas, indicating that students made their voice heard. Higher turnout was a goal of the Big Ten Voting Challenge. Well done! Choosing to commit to the work needed to make change, and see it through, can produce amazing results – but it can also frustrate. Change doesn’t happen in a straight line. It’s messy. It can take years, or even decades. But when it is founded on principled dedication, collaboration, and hope – all the ingredients are in place.
Our campus has wonderful examples.
基础分占试卷的75%,也就是说如果将八本书上的单词、句子都背出、默出了,会读、会认单词,考到75分是没有问题的。家长也可以用这个标准来评判下您的孩子到底在学习上态度是否放端正了。就比如这次期中考试,我班75分以上的同学有 个,这些孩子在平常的默写或者抽背中都是非常出色的,基本都能全对。而个别考试不及格的同学,家长也可以看出,不是孩子智力高低的问题,关键还是自身努力程度不够,花的时间太少了,不然75分完全是可以拿到,至少及格应该来说并不困难。
另外,还有5分,的确是比较难的题目,这五分也可以说是拉开差距的,所以家长要求孩子考100分,99分,对孩子来说也是比较难的。这次期中考试的试卷就比较灵活,我们班有 位同学考到了95分以上,我还是很佩服的',说明他们不仅学得扎实,而且善于动脑。
英语前10名的学生是:第一名:张晓雨(98)贾旭恒(98) 第二名:辛婉玉(97)第三名:刘媛婷(95)秦浩杰(95); 第四名:张君婷(94);柴宇凡(94);秦浩琪(94)
倒数第四:贺瑛 (68)
3.词性转换和时态变换 是学生的弱点:对于弱胜几乎完全失分,这一块是小学英语语法的重点。多样的变化是的基础弱的学生无处下手。归根到底词汇量的掌握和基本单词的记忆欠缺。
4.阅读短文和作文是学生的最大的弱项。阅读和作文在今后的升学考试,包括中考、高考、研究生考试以及大学英语四、六级考试中都占有很大的分值。阅读短文是检查学生的理解和运用知识能力,很多时候会遇到课外生词,我发现很多学生懒得去查工具书,老师硬要交就乱写一通。 英语作文更不容乐观了。
当然,在这一点上我们始终在努力着,我们正试图让每一位学生明白:课堂上浪费了一分钟,也许课后花十分钟、一小时也难以弥补。(建议家长经常性的跟老师进行沟通交流,询问孩子最近一段时间的听课情况,当然也可以反映孩子在家的表现和孩子自己的想法,这样便于双方反馈处理,作出合理的安排) 我讲这个片段,主要是想强调我们现在部分学生的听课效果真的不尽人意,希望家长能够引起重视。 整个班级学生大约分成三类:第一类同学,学习习惯相当好,学习积极主动,上课专心听讲,作业专注、书写认真,所以作业完成的速度快,正确率高,回答问题思路清晰。第二类学生是自觉性相对差一点,作业能及时完成,上课偶尔注意力不集中,经常会出现这样或那样的小毛病。第三类学生是学习习惯差,,隔三差五还有拖欠作业的情况,作业不能主动完成,经常不写作业,即使写了,但是书写潦潦草草,错题一大堆。讲评过的题,既不改正,也不做相应的笔记。学习态度不够端正。他们对学英语是抱着无所谓的态度,可以说得过且过。(点名)他们的学习习惯不够好。还存在着严重的畏难情绪,怕吃苦的精神.
四. 学生的作业:
有的家长认为:对于孩子的英语有点力不从心,因为自己不懂英语,对于学生的家庭作业即便是签字了,更多的时候也只是一种形式而已。当然我这里所指的是部分家长,我知道我们家长中也存在的一些英语高手。那么,在这里我就结合学生的家庭作业,跟大家分享一些处理的方式方法,不管您自身是懂英语的,还是不懂英语的,都可以根据或借鉴我所讲的去实施操作。这其实,也是我想通过本次家长会想更家长朋友沟通,并且希望家长朋友配合我做的几点。 我们每天英语家庭的作业不外乎这几种:
对于六年级的孩子来说,抄写是不应该出错了的,包括单词的正确书写,大小写,标点符号等等,我相信一个在平时的抄写中,容易出错的同学,在考试中也会容易犯类似的问题,而由于这些错误的失分,是相当可惜的。每次抄写作业,我都会尽可能地批改出孩子们所存在的问题,如果您的孩子抄写上还存在问题的话,希望家长朋友重视了。 说到这里,我想外带一点,希望家长们能加强对孩子良好学习品质的培养。特别是对于我们这个班级的实际情况,我发觉我们现在许多学生在考试时的失分,不是不会做题,而是不够细心。而细心正是一种很重要的良好的学习品质,一味地以一种完成任务的态度对待学习也是有害无益的,而因为粗心导致的失分,我个人认为那远比不会做而失分,来得更为可惜。
说到这个听写,我想提下我们平时在课堂上集体听写的情况,应该说,情况是不容乐观的,我们每次听写,糟糕的时候有近一半的同学不能过关,少的时候也基本上有十几个,我的要求是90分以上过关, 而这个听写我都会在前一天让孩子们去准备,作业记载本上的听写与随堂的听写结果,完全是两种不同的结果。由此,我在想我们有些学生在回家作业听写的时候,是抄写的,而不是听写。所以在此希望家长朋友能够重视回家听写的作业,单词的积累对于英语学习至关重要,我们写句子,包括文章都离不开单词这个基本元素。准备越充分的学生,在课堂上听写的时候,就越有底气,正确率也就越高,越能体验到成功的喜悦,越能增强孩子学习英语的信心。否则,一次一次地听写不过关,我真可以说是对于孩子一次又一次的学习信心上的打击。
考虑到有的学生存在报喜不报忧的情况,每次试卷下发后,我都会以短信的方式,通知给家长。看孩子的试卷,不是光看看分数就完了。 家长要把测验试卷打开亲自看一看,了解孩子为什么错,是单词没记住;是上课没注意听,还有就是把老师讲评的要点让孩子认真复习。督促孩子上课听老师讲评练习题或试卷的时候,有错误的地方要及时更正,课后要多复习,这样就可以有效避免再犯同样的错误,孩子作业的字迹,对待作业的态度,听课的效率,对英语学科的兴趣等等,家长的重视和督促同样是不可忽略。
5、口头背诵作业。这应该也是英语中的常规作业了,平时的作业中用的比较多,但我觉得,对于部分学生来说,这样的作业达成的效果并不好,希望家长能帮助落实这方面的作业,不管您听不听得懂,也不管孩子是否认真读了,是否读对了,我想读了肯定是会有收获的, 哪怕读了一遍,只留意了那么一两个句子也是好的。
就比如这次期中考试,我班80分以上的同学有 43 个,这些孩子在平常的默写或者抽背中都是非常出色的,基本都能全对。而个别考试不及格的同学,家长也可以看出,不是孩子智力高低的问题,关键还是自身努力程度不够,花的时间太少了,不然80分完全是可以拿到,至少及格应该来说并不困难。
另外,还有5分,的确是比较难的题目,这五分也可以说是拉开差距的,所以家长要求孩子考100分,99分,对孩子来说也是比较难的。这次期中考试的试卷就比较灵活,我们班有5 位同学考到了95分以上,我还是很佩服的,说明他们不仅学得扎实,而且善于动脑。另外,还有5分,的确是比较难的题目,这五分也可以说是拉开差距的,所以家长要求孩子考100分,99分,对孩子来说也是比较难的。
他们把学生按考试成绩进行分类:85---100---A级;70---85----B级 60----70合格; 60一下属于不合格。
4、 坚持背好每个单元所学的英语单词。
7、 按要求完成英语作业,有错误的地方要及时更正作业中的错误。每天的作业都需要家长签名。
8、 上课讲评练习题或试卷的时候,有错误的地方要及时更正,课后要多复习,这样就可以有效避免再犯同样的错误,试卷需要家长签字。
Dear parents and classmates, Good afternoon!
It is my great honor to stand here today to say goodbye to my Alma mater, to say goodbye to my Alma mater, and to say goodbye to this unforgettable high school year. First of all, I would like to thank my teachers, parents and classmates for their trust in me. Three years ago, at this time, we were yearning for this school outside the campus. Three years later, we were full of it. Three years ago, we entered the school with excellent grades and parents' expectations.
Three years later, we are leaving the beautiful campus with growing experience and parents' comfort. Standing in the three years after the end, we found that high school is a too hasty book, unconsciously, China with more than one thousand pages so rushed over, but it's more than one thousand days and nights into numerous real life details emerge in front of us, all the Chinese redbud, kapok blooming; The noisy playground, the quiet botanical garden; The sound of the morning, the hasty and full of evening, the love-hate and love-hate dining hall, the library that makes people forget to return; With my classmates' heart and soul, and the teacher's laughter... It is in the silent steps of time that we have changed from three years ago, to the mature and acute, from the confusion of three years ago, to today's steadfast courage!
Choose to let us have no regrets, we would like to sincerely say: in the attachment, thank you! When we will leave school, we might as well from the emotion in the territory to set aside a reason, ten years, twenty years or thirty years later, when the familiar faces and scenery gradually fade, when the class learned the chapter out of my mind, when we are on the stage of fuzzy failure, we rely on what to maintain the Alma mater of deep feelings? What is the common blood that flows through each of the attached people? First of all, it is the spirit of hardship that is attached to us. "If you eat bitter, you will be a companion." We will not forget those eight days in the hot sun, the sonorous military training pace, unforgettable that week in the qingyuan township of the rice training "the three identical" of the agricultural test; We shall never forget the time when we were running around the playground with our tired legs and tired legs.
I can't forget the summer night's scorching heat, the bitter cold in winter. It is these hardships that have chastened our plain character; It is these hardships that have cultivated our strong and unyielding spirit; Even more, let us understand the mission and responsibilities that are shouldering on the shoulders of contemporary youth, and let us understand the "first taste of sweet, sweet, sweet and sweet", which Yang told us. First eat big bitter, then eat small bitter, small bitter is also sweet!" Second, it is the space that gives us freedom to think freely. If we are birds, we are the blue sky. If we are running water, it is high mountain. The attachment gives us the desire to fly high, and the attachment gives us the possibility to rush into the distance. In this area, we are free to form a community that can bring into play our individual character and talents. We make public our individuality in the election of the student union, and we display our wisdom in the innovation competition. On the other hand, very few homework assignments, a full week of self-study and body forging, and the seemingly strict but extremely loose management system. It is these freedoms that tell us that while we are focused on learning, we should develop more fully and highlight our strengths. It is these freedoms that tell us to learn to choose and to give up; It is also these freedoms that tell us to manage our own lives and plan our own lives. Third, it is a pluralistic view of our cognitive world. Adhering to the principal wu "with complete modern education builds high quality of modern people" concept of education, the cultivation of the affiliated high school of respected multivariate quality, bring all kinds of talents to grow hair glory: there are an infinite number of elective courses, there are rich and colorful club activities, there are too many things to see the style of competition. In the school sports meet, we are splashing the sweat of youth; At the festival, we dance the young rhythm; In the science festival, we jump to innovative thinking. Cultivate the consciousness of our citizens, volunteers group wonderful "BBS of the affiliated high school of" broaden our horizons, there are rich and colorful summer camp every year and a wide variety of academic investigation activities, make we look around the world, with the world... Under the background of such respect and diversity, the soil in the attachment makes us a living individual, and we will embrace all advanced civilizations with the mind of the attached people. Today, we stand on the new starting point of life, the road ahead is how to explore, but I know, the affiliated high school of people not afraid, because of the affiliated high school of three years of experience, let us gradually clear the way forward. Graduation from high school is both an end and a starting point. With the confidence and calmness characteristic of the attached, we will walk into the holy university hall and enter the society full of competition and challenge. We must be able to create a new splendor in the college entrance exam a week later. We must also be able to win one victory after another in the future. The long wind and the waves will sometimes hang in the sea!
Tagore once said, "no matter how long it takes to pull the shadow of the tree, it is always connected with the root." At this moment, let us give the flowers and Thanksgiving to our many wonderful Alma mater, as well as the hard work of every teacher. Give us the Alma mater and the teacher, the place is here and now, and then there is the time, everywhere and everywhere! Thank you.
Dear faculty members, distinguished guests, families, friends and most importantly,today’s graduates:
Good morning!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you here on behalf of the graduates.
This is a memorable day both in our personal lives and in the life of this school. Four years ago, we entered Sanjing university. Some of us may have doubted that if we had made the right decision, but now, because of the friends we made , because of the sadness and happiness we shared, because of the teachers who gave us guidance, because of all the time in Sanjiang we spent and all activities we participated in, we could not tear ourselves away from the dear campus. It’s difficult to contemplate that perhaps some of us may never see each other again. But we have so rich memeries and experiences that we will never foget each other. Today we enter the real world to face the challenge .With the knowledge and friends we gained from our university, with the endurance, perseverance, industry we possess, every obstacle that we may encounter in our lives will be overcome.
I believe that everyone will make every effort to strive for our life. And remember, an ideal job is not found lying in the street; it takes time and effort to find. But in the end, it will be there for you. So don’t settle for second best and keep looking.
Importantly, We are here today to give our thanks to the unconditional support of each of you, your words of encouragement in good times and your words of consolation in difficult moments. We thank you for your enormous patience with us, for always giving a little more than we asked for and for instilling in us the values and principles that govern our lives now and helping us to become the people we are. The degree that we will receive today also belongs to you. Last, I would like to congratulate each of you for having reached this goal. We did it, and now we are ready to graduate!
Dear leaders, teachers, dear students, Good afternoon, everyone!
In June, with all the Chui Chui and the fruits of brewing, we welcomed the 20xx junior high school graduation ceremony. It is a great honor for me to speak at such a grand ceremony. On behalf of all the students of third grade, please allow me to pay the highest tribute to our alma mater and the teachers who have taught us carefully.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to our parents. At this moment, I feel very excited, not only the joy of graduation, but also the endless attachment to my alma mater. Three years of junior high school life, full and beautiful, we shed tears, but accompanied by laughter; we tread thorns, but smell the fragrance of thousands of flowers. Three years ago, we moved to the third high school with the emotion of excitement and admiration. In the past three years, we felt the warmth and richness of our alma mater. In junior high school, we are like a small tree, though not luxuriant, it has already revealed new buds. Our beloved leaders and teachers, like the diligent gardeners, care for us day and night: to prune and wither the redundant branches and leaves for us to irrigate our knowledge of science, to remove the vermin of the moth tree, and to cover us with warm clothes. Without the training of alma mater leaders and teachers, there will be no healthy growth. Tirelessly nurture talent, follow the true knowledge. Here, on behalf of all the students in the junior grade, I would like to say to the dearest leader and teacher of the Alma school and to all the employees we have paid for: "hard work, thank you!"
Three years, the friendship of the same window, let us learn to trust each other, let us understand that "we are all only one wing of an angel, only to embrace each other to fly." When we are in a low ebb, we cheer on each other; when we succeed, we cheer together. With warm smiles and warm atmosphere, we can learn to love, to persist and to believe that sunshine is always in the wind and rain. Intimate friendship and mutual affection will all precipitate into a valuable spiritual wealth. In the future, we will warm our hearts with each other no matter what the weather is like, no matter what the ends of the earth are. My dear classmates, take this opportunity to say "thank you!" to all the classmates who helped and warmed each other. Three years, more than 1000 pages of books, recording how many wonderful fragments we have, and how many eternal moments freeze. Let us look back on the growth of this way with a feeling of life transformation: in the classroom, we are concentrated and written. In the sports field, we have a great leap and the first for the first time; in the room of the experimental composition, we capture the inspiration and the truth. For the mid-term exam, how many cold and windy mornings we had, how many sweaty afternoons, and how many lonely lights the long night...
We suffered from wind and rain and tasted bitterness and bitterness. We trudged through the thorns and searched in the torrent. The satisfaction is that the achievement is always in direct proportion to the effort. In the deep footprints left by the alma mater, we have the belief that we are constantly pursuing and never fail to achieve the ideal. We are down to earth, one step and one footprints, together with the teacher to create the glory of the alma mater. Three years of walking is solid and hurried, and three years of sweat are hard and happy. In three years, we grew up with the alma mater. From "third middle school" to "suitable middle school", from the borrowing of school buildings to moving into their beautiful campus, the change is only the name and address, the same is the strict school discipline of the alma mater, the strong style of study and the gentle and gentle between teachers and students. In this happy family, we use diligence and wisdom to write the magnificent chapter of struggle. We weave gorgeous junior high school life with dreams and youth. We are about to enter the field of the high school entrance examination and accept an important challenge in life. Dear students, "the sea is crossed, the hero is showing the true colors".
Life is always surpassing in the competition, and life is always shining in the struggle. Now that we have chosen the challenge, we have no reason to shrink. Students, in the exam, we must succeed! Let us treasure this precious time, carefully prepared, with a positive and optimistic attitude into the examination room, with excellent results to return to the alma mater, teachers and parents! Three years of junior high school life is fleeting, dear school younger brother and sister, you are in the great period of study, the alma mater is full of knowledge and strength of the fertile soil, I believe that you will cherish this good time of study, with perseverance, self-confidence and sweat to write a regrets for the three years. There are roads and diligence in learning mountains. Take this opportunity, on behalf of all my older brothers and sisters in my third grade, I wish you all the best: live happily, strive for progress, never give up, and make progress every day! Waving goodbye to yesterday, teachers and students, classmates and friends, it is hard to forget. Graduation from junior high school is just a post office on the road of life.
Let us take the grace of the alma mater, with the spirit of the alma mater, with the heart of good memories and gratitude, on the new journey, and to deduce the wonderful life with the mind and the wisdom.
Finally, on behalf of all the graduates in grade three, I wish to wish our best wishes to our alma mater, wish our teachers happy and healthy, and wish all our classmates a good future! Thank you
Good morning, everybody!
In this season, the school is awakening, and the school is coming to the next generation of six grade students. From me to the present, after two years, I have changed from a little girl to a good big sister. The bamboo shoots from the young shoot sprouts to the tall bamboo, each of which is a beautiful picture book, recording the wonderful life and things in our school. An interesting picture came across my mind. I remember when I was just in grade four, Yang led me into the 41 class classroom for the first time. What a warm family it is! In a burst of applause, I introduced myself and sang to everyone. Miss Yang is very kind to me, and especially arranges me on the side of the monitor, Sun Xiaotong. The smiling faces of students, Yang also encouraged, said: "you have to work hard to learn from Sun Xiaotong, will certainly progress!" That was the happiest time of my life. I walked downstairs and looked at the bamboo forest. I thought it was only in my hometown that I could see such a green bamboo. Now, I see it at school, and this feeling is like returning to my home. In the unwittingly opening of the sports meeting, Mr. Yang thought I had the strength to help me to report 800 meters, although that was not my strength, but I should do my best for the honor of the class. We sold our school gate and went to the Qian Tang foreign language school to take part in the sports meet. The sound of a sweet voice on the radio is my turn to play. My mind is like a little rabbit jumping.
I heard my classmates try to clap their hands and cheer for me. I took a deep breath and made full preparations, and finally ran 800 meters. At this time, I found that Mr. Yang had already waited for me at the end of the line. She supported me and tried to let me walk slowly. Although I got the name, I realized the warmth of this big group. I remember that when we were in grade six, we carried out the meaningful activities of greening campus. The classmates in the class took all kinds of plants, some brought a pot of plants, and some brought two pots. Huang Yizhe unexpectedly brought five or six pots. In this way, with the efforts of our whole class, the number of plants in the class is the largest. The bamboo outside the window was blown over by the wind and nodded. It should be praising me for doing well. This one thing, like that one day bamboo stands erect. Goodbye to my alma mater, you taught me, you let me find happiness and happiness.
Goodbye, my teacher, is that you have given me knowledge, let my blank mind, add a lot of knowledge, I have grown a lot! Goodbye, my classmates, you have let me know for the first time the true meaning of friendship, the strength of unity and unity. I'll always remember you.
Good morning, everybody!
Duke accepted me as an ‘early decision’ candidate and, for the first time, I felt seen, and heard and valued. One of the finest universities in the nation was willing to bet on me. I was, and I remain, eternally grateful for the opportunity to attend and graduate in the Trinity Class of 1979. My Duke degree and our Blue Devil family have opened more doors than I could have imagined and stood in support when I needed it the most.
Graduates, today, we still find ourselves in the same morass of exclusion and intolerance I experienced all those years ago. The high degree of acrimony is unyielding and discouraging, but I want to make sure you hear this: Discouragement doesn’t have to be debilitating. If anything, discouragement should drive you to open your own doors and design your own future. And just remember when you open those doors, there will be people on the other side. Some of them will be cheerleaders, and some of them will be critics. The challenges you face on your uphill climb will often come with an audience, because the reality is this: Adversity doesn’t happen always in private.
I know this all too well.
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen.
Today the topic of my speech is "Discover yourself " I think each people is unique . Everyone is different from others .So I don’t need to envy others,because I think I am the only one in the world! So do you know yourself ? In the eyes of my parents,I am forever a good kid ! In the eyes of my teachers,I am a hard-working girl ! In the eyes of my friends,I am a happy angle.,because the smile is always on my face ! But what do I think of myself ! In fact , everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages , so we want to develop our strengths . At the same time , we also need to discover our weakness and correct it.Slowly I discovered that I had a lot of good characters , such as kind , cheerful , generous and so on. For example , I used to be a shy girl . I was too timid to speak in front of many people , but now I changed a lot . I often take part in all kinds of activities!
Last term, I took part in a Chinese speech contest. I needed to read and play with our partners . It’s the first time for me to act it. At the beginning , I was very nervous . But I didn't want to give it up . So we were ready for the speech carefully ! In the end , we won the first prize . My secret of success is confidence .we have nothing to lose ! so we can try our best . But life always give us some frustrations and I wasn't always very confident . I always think that others are better than myself . I also have many disadvantages .Sometimes I get into trouble,especially in my study . I study very hard, but sometimes my grades are bad . It made me very upset .I think this is unfair . But I can't give up ,so I work harder and harder .Finally I made great progress by working hard ! Everyone should learn to discover yourself .
Please believe in yourself ! I don't care whether I will succeed or not ,but I'm confident to stand here ! Because I'm the best one ! Thank you very much!
Dear teachers, dear classmates: Hello everyone!
Today, I stand here to say goodbye to our alma mater on behalf of all the first three graduates, to say goodbye to the teachers in nineteen, to say goodbye to the students who get along with each other, and to say goodbye to the unforgettable years.
At this moment, I feel very excited, both joy of graduation, but also can not hide unlimited memories and nostalgia. Three years of life, we live full and beautiful, we shed tears, but accompanied by laughter, we follow the thorns, but smell the fragrance of thousands of flowers. I remember that three years ago that shallow autumn, just entered the nineteen middle school gate, ignorant of our curiosity and joy. In the Shaw building, we worked hard together and worked hard together, bringing together the fresh and fresh together to fight for the future.
In the first second, in the yellow tower, in the gap of sweat and sweat, we do not forget to stand in the blue sky before looking at the blue sky and thinking of the future. For the sake of a problem, we have become the most beautiful scenery in this campus. In the first three years, the main building, which was drowned in the title sea, suddenly found out that our impression of junior high school is no longer a stack of test papers and exercises, but the gratitude and love of the middle school, which makes us heart and nurture our growing knowledge palace. It is both eyes that touch the "Nineteen middle". The strong sense of the name and the pride that followed it. Looking back at every shot in the past three years, teachers in the classroom or endless, or follow the lead, or cited. Here we see the past, present and future of the world.
Teacher, with your diligent sweat and selfless dedication, you have taught us to analyze and think, enrich and practice, cooperate and compete, to inherit and innovate, and to further learn how to continue to surpass and break through the limits of our own. Our life. The magnificent rhetoric can not express our respect and love for you, both teachers, friends and relatives. Now that we are graduating, all these warm memories will be engraved on our hearts and carefully collected. The future is a magic cube that changes constantly. People need more efforts and efforts. There are more twists and tests on the road that is about to enter, and you have to smile to face, to meet quietly, to fight bravely. We are going to go on a journey in the first three days of the long voyage. At this moment, what we are going to do is to adjust our mind, to witness a miracle in a day after a day, to bring a smile to life and to make life surging. Bring out the best results to repay our alma mater's kindness to us.
Let's work in the beautiful campus for three years and go to the eight party to write a new colorful chapter in high school and future learning life. My speech is finished, thank you.
good morning! my dear teachers.
what friendship? the answers may be different. but one thing clear that friendship the most important ingredient in the recipe of life. we cannot live without friendship just as we cannot survive without air and water. friendship gives us a feeling of security and warmth, and friendship encourages us to go ahead all the time.
everyone needs friends and eager to get friendship. when we feel happy, we can share our happiness with friends. when we feel gloomy, friends will fort us. if we are arrogant, our friends can persuade us, and they can make us confident and brave when we are dcouraged. friendship valuable. it can touch your heart and give you hope. many people are proud of having a good friend. true friendship must be sincere and must not have conditions. if you help your friends for no reason but simply because they are your friends, th means that you regard your friends as yourself. th true friends. true friendship should be based on mutual understanding, not on mutual benefit. moreover, both must also have similar ideals. if not, their friendship still cannot last long. sometimes, people have good friends when they are young and studying in school. however, after graduation, when they are working in the society, their friendship will soon e to an end. mutual understanding doesn’t always mean that we should know every thing of our friends.
it means that they have similar ideals and trust each other. on the other hand, doing similar things can build up the friendship. in fact, friendship n’t always easily kept. when you want to keep a friend, you should treat him or her like you want to be treated. keep the secrets that your friend tells you. keep your prome with your friend. share things with your friend. stick up for your friend. we should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt. as an old saying goes, “friendship cannot stand always on one side.” true friendship should be able to stand all kinds of tests. because of friendship, our lives are full of happiness. therefore, the more friends we have, the more pleasure we can share with them.
let’s say “thank you” to our friends for their love and care. no matter where we go or who we bee, never forget to keep the beautiful friendship!
Good morning, everybody!
Teachers and classmates, we are leaving our alma mater, ending our primary school life and going to junior high school. We have not yet parted, we have to rely on it! My heart is trembling slightly, for the moment that is remembered for life is coming. The unforgettable moment, I once hoped, now is not willing to give up. Excitement, bewilderment, laughter, frustration, tone sandals, cheerful steps, and moving songs are all integrated into our hearts. Do you really want to leave? The beautiful campus is so long and so clear, a picture of a teacher dedicated to us, the scene of the flow of students, these let us from yesterdays naive to the long road to todays sensible, how can I forget? Memories of the past, in the wide playground, in the warm classroom, I always look at the blue sky, white clouds, the beautiful campus in the sunshine, the pattern is so beautiful; the wind in the campus, how many times the soft lift our hair, the campus joyous laughter let our heart forever abundance. My beautiful campus, it is like this, such as a roll of good painting, the moon is empty, moonlight star, light, just like the silver lining, showing the dreamy and tempting color... After six years of running water, the life of primary school is about to end, and we are about to lift the sails of middle school, soar in the deeper knowledge of the middle school, and explore in a more mysterious realm of life. Looking back at the long learning path, there are ups and downs, sweet, hope, loss, success, failure, joy and anger. But in the end, we have all gone through this period of learning. The rosy rose, falling from my head, is spinning in the air, and the shadow of the sun is gently passing through my eyes. Farewell, beautiful campus, farewell, beloved teacher; farewell, lovely classmates. Bit by bit, one minute and a second. Ah, there is a feeling of gratitude for my teacher in my heart. At that time, my red scarf, beating like a flame in my chest, read the book. The teacher came up and helped me on the shoulder. I spoke earnestly, pointing to the red flag flying and hunting, and earnestly told me. Endless words of endless love, stirring up the tide of emotion in my heart. Do you really want to leave? The beautiful campus has given us endless joy, hope, song and fragrance. To become a middle school student, we must work hard for it.
It is only in order to get to the finish line that it is on the road; only to achieve the best success can we go on the most difficult and difficult road.
Dear leaders,teachers and dear students,Good evening,everyone!
I feel very honored to have the opportunity to speak here on behalf of the 04 graduates. Today is an unforgettable day for our graduates,because after today,our university life will be a full stop. We will say goodbye to the students who get along with each other,say goodbye to the teachers,train our alma mater and step on the new journey of life. Here,let me,on behalf of the 04 graduates,express our heartfelt thanks and respect to all our leaders and teachers. 4 days of college life will soon become a beautiful memory. Four years ago,we entered the campus with a beautiful vision. After four years,we left each other with our dreams.
In four years,we have learned to grow,learn to think,learn to cooperate and compete,learn to trust each other,and learn how to constantly improve themselves and surpass ourselves. All the way through,the teacher's courtesy and profound expectation,the careful care and silent support of the students and friends,and our hard pursuit and high spirited struggle. Looking back on yesterday,a warm smile from our friends,a warm atmosphere in the class,let us learn to love,to persist and to believe in the future. Come together do not know how to cherish,leave only to know heavy. The unconditional bell of separation has been ringing in your ears. Look back on the past,feeling full of emotion. The age of innocence,the light dance of sophomore,and the tension and bustle of junior high have become eternal memories. Remember the scene that just stepped into the school gate?Remember our introduction on the first day of enrollment?Remember when we were shopping together,drinking together,chatting together and singing together?Do you remember the morning rush to the playground to do morning exercises?Do you remember being squeezed together for dinner?Do you remember sitting up late reading for the exam?The library of the North District Library,the fossil forest in the eastern area,the dinosaur egg in the Shaw Museum,and the fried rice in the two canteen. The curtain is like a beautiful picture of clipping.
It is a movie that is about to play. It plays our happiness and sadness,records our youth and our past,and everything is like a poem that has not finished. The banquet banquet,hand off the hand,go all the way... Everything seems to have been envisaged that everything is too helpless. Yes,we graduated today,we say goodbye to the once ignorant,farewell to the once young and frivolous,farewell that pure youth years,ushered in another fresh sunshine,and the heart has a new dream. Farewell to this place that reminds us of ourselves,we will surely soar in another wider sky. No matter how we came in four years,we need not complain and regret at the moment. We will clear everything tomorrow. Graduation is not the end,not the completion,but the announcement of progress,but a new beginning. In the light of the stars,recalling the best four years of this life,let us say goodbye and send a blessing,no matter how many years,no matter where we go,and we will not forget that we have been nurtured by this deep feeling of land,a palace that gave us knowledge and ability;and we will not forget,For our growth and diligent leadership and teachers,we will never forget the profound friendship we have formed in the past four years. A seed will always find a soil suitable for its own growth,for it is only there to produce more bright flowers;a drop of water will always return to the sea,for only in the rough sea can it bloom the glory of life. I believe that today's separation is better for tomorrow. Finally,let us wish the alma mater's tomorrow more brilliant;wish our teachers work well,health,family happiness;also bless our classmates,four years of companions of brothers and sisters,all the way,bright future.
Remember,we have another appointment in ten years. Thank you.
Dear faculty members, distinguished guests, families, friends and most importantly, today’s graduates.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you here on behalf of the graduates. This is a memorable day both in our personal lives and in the life of this school. Four years ago, we entered Sanjing university. Some of us may have doubted that if we had made the right decision, but now, because of the friends we made , because of the sadness and happiness we shared, because of the teachers who gave us guidance, because of all the time in Sanjiang we spent and all activities we participated in, we could not tear ourselves away from the dear campus. It’s difficult to contemplate that perhaps some of us may never see each other again. But we have so rich memeries and experiences that we will never foget each other. Today we enter the real world to face the challenge .With the knowledge and friends we gained from our university, with the endurance, perseverance, industry we possess, every obstacle that we may encounter in our lives will be overcome. I believe that everyone will make every effort to strive for our life. And remember, an ideal job is not found lying in the street; it takes time and effort to find. But in the end, it will be there for you. So don’t settle for second best and keep looking.
Importantly, We are here today to give our thanks to the unconditional support of each of you, your words of encouragement in good times and your words of consolation in difficult moments. We thank you for your enormous patience with us, for always giving a little more than we asked for and for instilling in us the values and principles that govern our lives now and helping us to become the people we are. The degree that we will receive today also belongs to you. Last, I would like to congratulate each of you for having reached this goal. We did it, and now we are ready to graduate!
Good morning, everybody!
Commencement is a milestone—one of life’s landmark occasions, a time when graduates, family members, and friends gather to celebrate past and future. At the University of Michigan, Spring Commencement is a festive, campus-wide event where graduates are recognized by their school or college as a group, and honorary degrees are conferred. In addition to Spring Commencement, which all graduates are welcome to attend, each school, college and campus hold individual ceremonies to celebrate their graduates’ accomplishments.Class of 20xx,Congratulations! I join your professors, family members and friends in expressing my utmost pride as we celebrate youraccomplishments as the newest graduates of the University of Michigan. Graduates, you did it! Each one of you earned a place here – and you made the most of it.
I know that for many of you, the road to get here was not easy. Perhaps you traversed some potholes along the way. I have it on the highest authority, however, that these potholes are about to be filled, and the roads are going to get fixed … But for those of you who are first-generation students, military veterans, or from communities, cities and towns that don’t send many students to Michigan – I hope you are especially relishing this day. As members of the Class of 20xx, all of you have conquered the rigors of our curricula. You exceled in your studies, your research, your advocacy and your service. You found ways to navigate central campus, when we decided to renovate the LS&;A building and the Union at the same time.
And you even survived a polar vortex – with not one, but TWO, days of canceled classes. Since we are here, you must have used that time to study.